Comprehensive support for production processes

A key functionality of MeMOM is the self-adaptive Advanced Planning and Scheduling system. Ongoing updating of plans and schedules requires real-time acquisition of a range of data from other areas of the factory, including planned and unplanned machine downtime, customer order re-prioritization, operators absences or materials availability. MeMOM supports all production processes from the customer orders arrival to the dispatch and storage of finished goods.


MeMOM software - Presentation of a CAD model of the final product
MeMOM software - View showing attachments to a customer order
MeMOM software - List of customer orders
MeMOM software - Contact list used, for example, for sending notifications
MeMOM software - A list of notifications sent to counterparties with information on e.g. delayed orders

The production process often begins after receipt of a request or order from the customer, or after placing our own orders, for instance in response to a tender or a sales plan.

  • Registration of requests for quotation and different types of orders (e.g. own, production, service, logistics) with the possibility of integration with ERP
  • Dynamic order customization - in highly volatile environments, you can change order parameters as you wish, even as the order is being processed
  • Retain tender documents - attach customer emails, specifications and terms and conditions, blueprints, photos and other downstream documents to each job
  • Create customer and contact lists - in this way you are building your company's knowledge base and defining channels for automated communication
MeMOM software - View to build complex product technologies
MeMOM software - Product data sheet
MeMOM software - View to build complex product technologies
MeMOM software - Bill of materials list

Product technology preparation

Our technology wizard allows you to freely define all production tasks and steps, as well as the resources required. When defining a technology, you can use existing production technologies and modify them according to product specifications. You can also create templates for repetitive production tasks across multiple products. Store finished technologies in an organized system by assigning them statuses and revision numbers.

For each product, the system creates a card where data for that product is collected, including all orders and realizations, technologies, BOMs, cost catalogues, process visualizations, defined quality control plans, processing parameters, stock levels, etc.

  • Technology wizard with AI support
  • Product technologies and their revisions with the possibility of ERP integration
  • Manufacturing process visualisation
  • Bill of materials (BOM)
  • Product card
  • Quality control plan

Quotation and offers

MeMOM software - View of the cost catalogue as a basis for production valuation
MeMOM software - View with successive versions of the project valuation
MeMOM software - View of the cost catalogue as a basis for production valuation

Based on the technology you have created, the request data you have entered and the cost catalogue, you will automatically receive an order quotation. It is available in a spreadsheet where you can freely edit it and send it to the customer.

Each quotation is versioned and has its own status and attachments. The system will also tell you the earliest possible delivery date.

  • Cost catalogue
  • Supplier lists
  • Automated quote generation and delivery time calculation
  • Editable excel spreadsheets with quotations
MeMOM software - View showing Gantt chart with tasks in machine context
MeMOM software - List presenting materials, semi-finished and final products
MeMOM software - Definition of the resource availability rules
MeMOM software - View showing Gantt chart with tasks in machine context


You use many resources in your production process, mainly people, workplaces (including machines) and materials (including components, intermediates, media and waste). Monitor their use, plan their availability and the costs they generate.

  • Resources calendars
  • Stocks and transactions with the possibility of ERP/WMS integration
  • Tracking and forecasting resources availability
  • Configurable resources cards
  • Maintenance management (scheduling breaks for maintenance)
  • Ordering and generating material requirements
  • Resources Gantt
  • Records of depositing sites, including waste

Production orders

MeMOM software - Production tasks list

Once either an offer or an internal order has been approved, a production order is automatically generated along with production tasks, including quantity parameters. You can monitor their status and progress.

  • Automatic generation based on technology and order
  • Real-time status and delivery date updates
MeMOM software - View showing Gantt chart with tasks in machine context
MeMOM software - View showing the structure of the tasks in the project
MeMOM software - Manual drag & drop scheduling of task on a Gantt chart
MeMOM software - Ranking of KPIS's for scenarios view
MeMOM software - Rough capacity planning view

Advanced planning and scheduling

Our system allows you to create optimal work schedules according to your objectives (e.g. the fastest deadlines or maximising the use of energy from on-site RES).

Our schedules support the most complex production cases, e.g. grouping and combining tasks (so-called joins), sharing resources by several simultaneous tasks, recording and using waste. They also allow flexible adaptation to your needs (manual modifications, resource availability settings).

  • Rough Cut Capacity planning
  • Backward planning
  • Grouping and joining tasks
  • Finite capacity scheduling
  • Schedule update coupled with execution reporting
  • Drag and drop schedules onto a Gantt chart
  • Tasks Gantt
  • Multi-criteria optimization
  • Scenario management

Tasks dispatching

MeMOM software - personel dispatching view in oeprator's terminal
MeMOM software - Personel dispatching view
MeMOM software - List of tags for tagging data in the application
MeMOM software - Confirmation of operations by operator with PIN

Thanks to the introduction of a competence matrix and availability calendars, the assignment of tasks to individual employees can be done automatically. You can also manually change these assignments or manually dispatch tasks in the system.
You can also leave a list of tasks unassigned to employees.
Thanks to the operator terminals, everyone knows what they need to do and in what order to meet the factory's objectives.

  • Competence matrix
  • Shift calendars
  • Automatic or manual tasks dospatching
  • Registration of operators check-in, check-out and attendance on the workstation
MeMOM software - View of operator terminal where multiple machines can be operated simultaneously
MeMOM software - Demonstration of a machine failure at the operator terminal
MeMOM software - Reporting of quantity produced
MeMOM software - Product tracking sticker
MeMOM software - Operator terminal on the production floor
MeMOM software - Technological card for a product

Production execution

Tracking the production process is possible thanks to terminals on the production floor where employees enter data and integration with devices (IoT, vision systems, peripherals).

This not only allows us to know what's going on, but also to update schedules in real time and provide customers with up-to-date lead times, to accurately account for multi-stage projects, and to collect detailed product data (for example required for regulatory reasons, to handle complaints, to calculate carbon footprints, and to analyze imperfections in the production process and make improvements).

  • Traceability and inline quality control
  • Machines fault management
  • Event logging at terminals
  • Time recording for individual tasks and production steps
  • Integrations with IoT and vision systems
  • Photo attachments
  • RFID, barcodes, QR codes, printers
  • Real-time cost monitoring at each stage

Performance analysis

MeMOM software - Eco-efficiency calculation view
MeMOM software - Energy consumption report
MeMOM software - OEE Report
MeMOM software - Ranking of KPI's for scenarios

Pre-defined reports and data visualisations are available in our solution, as well as tools to define your own reports.
It is also possible to create Digital Product Passports.

  • Predefined reports
  • Report designer
  • Cost clearance
  • Digital Product Passport (DPP)